ions to add.inp
Cut and paste the following text into a file named ions_to_add.inp
! Usage:
! $CHARMMEXEC pdffile=1rnu psffile=1rnu boxsize=38.5 < ions_to_add.inp > ions_to_add.log &
! to use this script for other crystal types, modify XTLTYPE
! and values of A, B, C, ALPHA, BETA, GAMMA
SET A = @boxsize
SET B = @boxsize
SET C = @boxsize
SET ALPHA = 90.0
SET BETA = 90.0
SET GAMMA = 90.0
open unit 10 read form name "$CHARMMDATA/top_all27_prot_na.rtf"
read rtf card unit 10
close unit 10
open unit 10 read form name "$CHARMMDATA/par_all27_prot_na.prm"
bomlev -1
stream "$CHARMMDATA/stream/toppar_water_ions.str"
! Read topology and parameter files
!Read PSF & COOR
open read card unit 10 name @psffile.psf
read psf card unit 10
open read card unit 10 name @pdbfile.pdb
read coor pdb unit 10 resid
! protein volume, calculation with a grid spacing of 0.5
coor orient
coor state
calc dcel = 0.5
calc xdim = int ( ( ?xmax - ?xmin + 5.0 ) / @dcel ) + 1
calc ydim = int ( ( ?ymax - ?ymin + 5.0 ) / @dcel ) + 1
calc zdim = int ( ( ?zmax - ?zmin + 5.0 ) / @dcel ) + 1
calc space = @xdim * @ydim * @zdim
scalar wmain = radius
scalar wmain add 1.4 ! use solvent accessible surface for molecular volume
scalar 1 = wmain
scalar 2 set 6.0
coor volume hole space @space
set molvol = ?volume
! system volume from parameters for water box
if @XTLtype .eq. TETRagonal calc sysvol = @A * @B * @C
if @XTLtype .eq. CUBIC calc sysvol = @A * @B * @C
if @XTLtype .eq. ORTHorhombic calc sysvol = @A * @B * @C
if @XTLtype .eq. HEXAgonal calc sysvol = sqrt( 0.75 ) * @C * @A * @A
if @XTLtype .eq. OCTAhedral calc sysvol = 4.0 * sqrt( 3.0 ) / 9 * @A * @A * @A
! conc : concentration (M)
! ionvol : ion accessible volume (Ang**3)
! npos : number of positive ions
! nneg : number of negative ions
calc conc = 0.15
calc ionvol = @sysvol - @molvol
calc nion = @conc * 6.021 * 0.0001 * @ionvol
calc npos = int ( @nion - ?cgtot / 2 ) + 1
calc nneg = @npos + ?cgtot
calc nion = @npos + @nneg