bomlev | undef | set bomb level |
prnlev | undef | set print level |
param | 36 | parameter set: 19 (CHARMM19), 22 (CHARMM22), opls, a94 (amber 94), eef1, mmff |
xpar | undef | extra parameter files |
cmap | 1 | use CMAP correction |
geomvdw | undef | geometric combination of sigmas for OPLS L-J terms |
scale14 | 1.0 | 1-4 scaling |
epsilon | 1.0 | dielectric constant for non-bonded interactions |
cutnb | undef | cutoff for non-bonded list generation |
cutoff | undef | cutoff for non-bonded interactions |
cuton | undef | onset of switching function for non-bonded interaction |
cut | 1 | use cutoff |
trunc | undef | shift/fshift/switch/fswitch |
shake | 0 | use shake |
shaketol | 1.0E-8 | shake tolerance |
periodic | 1 | use periodic boundaries |
ewald | 1 | use Ewald for explicit solvent |
npme | undef | 64, # number of grid points for PME grid |
npmex | undef | number of grid points in x direction |
npmey | undef | number of grid points in y direction |
npmez | undef | number of grid points in z direction |
pmegrid | undef | pme grid spacing |
margin | undef | patch margin |
ldb | 1 | load balancing |
boxshape | undef | box shape for periodic boundaries |
boxsize | undef | box size |
boxx | undef | box x dimension |
boxy | undef | box y dimension |
boxz | undef | box z dimension |
dynens | 'NVT' | dynamics ensemble 'NVT', 'NPT', 'NPH', 'NVE' |
dynber | 0 | use Berendsen thermostat |
tcouplefile | undef | file with Berendsen time constant |
dyntstep | 0.002 | dynamics time step in picoseconds |
dynsteps | 100 | dynamics steps |
dyntemp | 298 | dynamics temperature |
dynseed | undef | dynamics random seed |
dyntrfrq | undef | trans/rot removal frequency |
dynremovecom | undef | remove center of mass motion when restarting |
dyneqfrq | 0 | velocity reassignment frequency |
dynscalefrq | 0 | temperature rescaling frequency |
dynoutfrq | 500 | frequency of energy/trajectory output |
dynouttime | 1000 | frequency of writing timing information |
dynrestfrq | 1000 | frequency of saving restart files |
dyneoutfrq | undef | frequency of writing out energy information |
dynupdnb | 10 | update of non-bonded list |
dynpress | 1.00 | the pressure (in atm) for NPT simulations |
dynpperiod | 200.0 | gamma value for NPT simulations |
dynpdecay | 100.0 | Langevin piston mass for NPT simulations |
dynnpat | 0 | constant surface area for membrane simulations |
lang | 1 | flag for running Langevin dynamics |
langBAOAB | 0 | BAOAB integrator from Leimkuhler et al. |
langfbeta | 1.0 | friction coefficient for Langevin dynamics |
tmdrmsd | undef | set initial TMD RMSD to turn it on |
tmdrmsdto | undef | set final TMD RMSD, by default equal to initial RMSD |
tmdk | 100 | force constant |
tmdoutfrq | undef | TMD output frequency |
tmdref | undef | TMD reference file |
tmdrmsd2 | undef | set initial TMD RMSD to turn it on |
tmdrmsd2to | undef | set final TMD RMSD, by default equal to initial RMSD |
tmdk2 | 100 | force constant |
tmdref2 | undef | TMD reference file |
mmtsbserver | undef | MMSTB server host name |
mmtsbport | undef | MMTSB server port number |
mmtsbsid | undef | MMTSB server ID |
mmtsbjobid | undef | MMTSB job ID |
mmtsbcycle | undef | replica exchange cycle length |
cons | 0 | set to 1 and provide reference file through -consref |
colvars | undef | turn on and provide config file for colvars |
extrabonds | undef | turn on and provide extra bonds input file |
minsteps | undef | minimize |