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QqMPan  <a href="">wciwqozvaykk</a>, [url=]zorhhsphbbmh[/url], [link=]iqlxelzaugym[/link],
== Description ==
This utility is used for running single hybrid lattice/all-atom simulations. A replica exchange
version <docmark></docmark> is also available.<BR>
Two Monte Carlo simulation schemes are available for hybrid simulations that combine lattice and all-atom models.
In both modes lattice models are effectively simulated on an all-atom surface combining the advantages of
reduced lattice models with a more accurate all-atom potential energy function.<BR>
In the first mode, called the "free" mode, a Monte Carlo simulation cycle consists of a lattice simulation and all-atom
reconstruction of the final lattice chain followed by all-atom minimization and molecular dynamics.
The all-atom energy at the end of each cycle is used for accepting or rejecting conformations according to Metropolis
In the second mode, called "coupled", lattice and all-atom simulations are more tightly coupled.
Here, final conformations from very short lattice simulations are used for generating side chain
center of mass restraints in continuous all-atom minimization or molecular dynamics runs.
As in the first mode, all-atom energies are used for accepting or rejecting conformations in a Monte
Carlo scheme. The advantage of the second method is that the all-atom structures remain mostly
relaxed throughout the simulation while following the guiding restraints from the lattice simulations.
However, one faces the same barriers due to steric hindrance as in conventional all-atom simulations
that are easily overcome with the reduced lattice model in the first mode.<BR>
The default mode is "free". It can be selected with the <font color=#508060>mode</font> keyword of the <B>-par</B> option.
Other parameters are the Metropolis 'temperature' in units of kcal/mol that is set with <font color=#508060>mctemp</font>,
the force constant that is used for C-alpha restraints in the all-atom part during the "free" mode,
the force constant used in the "coupled" mode for side chain center restraints,
and two additional options <font color=#508060>[no]keepchain</font> and <font color=#508060>[no]eval</font>. The first one sets whether lattice simulations
are continued from the final chain of the previous lattice run (<font color=#508060>keepchain</font>, default)
or from a chain generated at the end of the all-atom simulation section (<font color=#508060>nokeepchain</font>).
The second option controls whether a separate instance of CHARMM is used for evaluating all-atom energies at
the end of the simulation cycle(<font color=#508060>eval</font> vs. <font color=#508060>noeval</font>). This is useful when a different,
more costly function, e.g. using an implicit solvation term, should be used for evaluating energies while
a simple vacuum energy function may be sufficient for restrained all-atom minimizations and short molecular dynamics
runs. The number of total Monte Carlo cycles is set with <B>-n</B>.<BR>
Lattice simulations require a MONSSTER sequence file as input with <B>-seq</B>. Other lattice simulation
parameters such as the number of lattice simulation Monte Carlo cycles, the internal temperature or
potential component scaling factors as listed in <docmark></docmark> are given with <B>-latpar</B>.<BR>
All-atom simulation parameters are set with <B>-aapar</B>. The complete list of possible parameters is
given <A HREF="" TARGET=cpar>here</A>. Minimization runs are
performed if <font color=#508060>sdsteps</font> and/or <font color=#508060>minsteps</font> are set to non-zero values. Molecular dynamics
is turned off by default but will be performed if <font color=#508060>dynsteps</font> is set. Parameters for a separate
energy evaluation are set with <B>-evalpar</B>.<BR>
All output is written to the current directory unless a different directory is specified with <B>-dir</B>.
Structures that are accepted at the end of a Monte Carlo cycle are saved into an ensemble under the same
directory. The tag that is used can be set with <B>-enstag</B>.<BR>
Log files for the all-atom simulation part, all-atom evaluation, and overall hybrid sampling are generated
if the options <B>-aalog</B>, <B>-evallog</B>, or <B>-log</B> are used.<BR>
== Options ==
; -help : usage information
== Examples ==
<mmtsbToolExample cmd="" set="/apps/mmtsb/bench/"></mmtsbToolExample>
<mmtsbToolExample cmd="" set="/apps/mmtsb/bench/"></mmtsbToolExample>

Revision as of 16:59, 6 December 2008
