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usage: vicinity.pl [options] [file(s)] options: [-l min:max[=min:max=...]] [-hard value[:force]] [-soft value[:force]] [-f filelist] [-[no]margin]
This script is used for loop or fragment modeling to find residues
that are located within a cutoff of a given residue subset in a
larger protein. The output consists of two lines. The first line contains a
residue specification for all residues that are within the cutoff (including
the loop residues) that can be used with -l as command line argument
in other MMTSB tools. The second line contains a residue specification
including restraint force constants for use in minCHARMM.pl,
for example, to run minimizations where only the neighboring residues
of the modeled loop or fragment are kept flexible. The loop residues
are not included in the second residue list.
One or more PDB files (with different conformations for the same protein)
are read as input. The loop or fragment residues are specified with
-l as a list of residue ranges. The cutoff is changed with
-hard (default value: 16.0 A). A second, soft cutoff is set to
12.0 A by default and can be changed with -soft. Residues within
this smaller cutoff are expected to be restrained with a smaller force
constant while residues beyond the soft cutoff but within the main
cutoff are restrained to a much larger extent to allow for stress
relief but no significant structural rearrangements beyond the immediate
loop neighborhood. Force constants used in the second line of output
are by default 0.5 for residues within the soft cutoff and 10.0 kcal/mol
beyond. They can be changed by appending the new force constant to the cutoff
in the -hard and -soft options.
The -f option is available to read a list of files with different protein conformations from an external file (or standard input if - is given as the file name).
- -help
- usage information
vicinity.pl -l 71:81 1poa.exp.pdb
determines the residues within the default cutoffs of the loop
at 71 through 81
1:19=21=28=39:40=42:44=46:55=57:103 16:19_10=21=28=39:40=42:44=46=48:49=52:53=55=57:61=63:64=103=1:15_0.5=47=50:51=54=62=65:70=82:102
vicinity.pl -l 71:81 -hard 12:1.0 -soft 10:0.2 1poa.exp.pdb
determine the residues within a 12 A from the loop at 71 through 81. The soft
cutoff is also reduced to 10 A and modified force constants of 0.2 and 1.0 kcal/mol
are used in the output.
1:15=47=50:51=54=62=64:102 1:2_1.0=15=47=50:51=54=62=64=102=3:14_0.2=65:70=82:101