Tool Set Documentation

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== Description ==
== Description ==
This tool counts the number of heavy-atom contacts at the interface between
two chains.
== Options ==
== Options ==
; -help : usage information
; -help : usage information
; -distcut value : distance cutoff to determine whether residues are in contact
; -chainA id : first chain to be analyzed
; -chainB id : second chain to be analyzed
== Examples ==
== Examples ==
<mmtsbToolExample cmd="" set="/apps/mmtsb/bench/"></mmtsbToolExample>

Latest revision as of 02:34, 28 July 2009


usage: [options] [PDBfile]
options: [-distcut num] [-chainA id] [-chainB id]

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This tool counts the number of heavy-atom contacts at the interface between two chains.


usage information
-distcut value 
distance cutoff to determine whether residues are in contact
-chainA id 
first chain to be analyzed
-chainB id 
second chain to be analyzed

Examples -chainA A -chainB B 1brs.AB.pdb
determines the number of contacts between the two chains A and B of this protein complex

153 atomic contacts between chains A and B