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usage: aarexAmber.pl [options] [files] options: [-n runs] [-par initruns=value,equilruns=value, [no]save,savebestfreq=value,archive ensmode=add|replace,natpdb=file,partop=file [-temp nwin:min:max] [-condfile file] [-f listfile] [-mdpar Amberparams] [-mdopt [no]trajout,[no]conslim, limforce=value,limsel=ca|cb|cab|heavy], [no]translate,ambercoor [-l refPDB min:max[=min:max ...]] [-cons [ca|cb|cab|heavy] ref|self min:max[_force][=...]] [-opt optionsfile] [-dir workdir] [-ens tag] [-ensdir dir] [PARALLELoptions] [-log file] [-elog file] [-amberlog file]
This script works very similar to aarex.pl. It adds replica exchange functionality to Amber.
- -help
- usage information
- -n runs
- number of replica exchange runs
- -par key=value[,...]
- replica exchange simulation parameters
- -temp nwin:min:max
- number and range of temperature replicas
- -condfile file
- conditions file
- -f listfile
- list of initial files for different replicas
- -mdpar key=val[,...]
- Amber simulation parameters
- -mdopt key=val[,...]
- Amber simulation options
- -l refPDB min:max[=...]
- limit sampling to residue range while keeping rest of the structure restrained to reference PDB
- -cons [ca|cb|cab|heavy] ref|self
- -opt file
- options file
- -dir directory
- data directory
- -ens tag
- ensemble tag for storing structures sampled at lowest temperature
- -ensdir dir
- ensemble directory
- -log file
- ouptut log file
- -elog file
- energy log file
- -amberlog file
- Amber simulation log file